Overcast Salesforce SAP IntegrationSalesforce Partner

True real-time
SAP integration
for Salesforce

Connect your SAP in 1 day with out-of-the-box components

Provide access to SAP order, invoice or shipment details

Ready-to-use solutions for sales, service and customers

Are your sales reps complete ?

Overcast Salesforce AppExchange

Connect SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, web services & more

Prebuilt Salesforce-to-SAP integrations as a product

The #1 Salesforce integration app to read/write SAP data

Vigience Overcast


Vigience Overcast enables connected Salesforce experiences out-of-the-box


Trailblazers for connected manufacturing CRM solutions


These solutions and many more are available – fully customizable and enhancable.

The Overcast Difference

Overcast drastically reduces the cost and speed of integrating SAP by reducing project complexity and risks

Difference Salesforce Mulesoft Overcast

Overcast Benefits

  • Overcast is built on the Salesforce platform as a Salesforce app and thus very easy to learn and maintain by any Salesforce consultant
  • Overcast automates most integration steps and provides 80% of Salesforce-SAP integration requirements out-of-the-box
  • Saves you many thousands of lines of code or script on the SAP, Salesforce and middleware side
  • Overcast’s unique mixed real-time/data-sync architecture reduces development, support & maintenance drastically
In addition to SAP ERP integration, Overcast also excels at integrating many other on-premise
and cloud softwares from many vendors and the benefits are largely the same.
Overcast integration app

“Thanks to Vigience Overcast, SAP data now renders 50% faster in the Salesforce UI compared to when we used SAP Gateway”

actual customer quote
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